Grab the Free PDF: 3 Safe & Effective Ab Exercise Swaps that result in a Stronger, Fitter YOU!

YUP!!! You can take advantage of being Pregnant and train with your body’s changes in a way that will result in a stronger, fitter YOU

Pregnancy Abs: The Secret to a Stronger, Fitter You.

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Want more good news!?!

You’re not going to believe it, but there’s more!!!

Not only are the 3 Ab Exercises SAFE & EFFECTIVE during pregnancy well…these SAME 3 AB Exercises are ALSO Foundational when it comes to preparing your body for YOUR:

  • best labor,
  • delivery, and
  • postpartum experience.

I’ve got YET another benefit for you!!!

When done to their fullest potential, the 3 Ab exercises use a Breathing Technique (I link you to the instructions in the PDF), so these same 3 AB exercises done with the breathing technique work SIMULTANEOUSLY—yes, simultaneously—to strengthen your Pelvic Floor.

This means at the very same time you are getting the most effective (and safe) Ab workout; you are strengthening your pelvic floor, too!

And the 2 Tips?

The 2 Tips help you protect your abs from excess separation.

Your body is amazing! It is doing everything possible to provide for, nurture, and protect your growing baby.

Your Ab’s ability to stretch and separate just enough to accommodate your baby is one of those miraculous things your body can do.

While the 3 exercises help you strengthen and stabilize your entire core, the 2 Tips give you a way to PROTECT your Abs from the excessive separation that can come with sleeping and turning.

Grab your copy of:

Pregnancy Abs: The Secret to a Stronger, Fitter You!

Swap the 3 most popular Ab exercises for those safe for you and baby, too! Plus 2 Protective Ab Tips!