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MO-TIVATOR APP: The Simple Self Care Lifestyle

The MO-TIVATOR APP’s purpose is to help build our Motivation to do the things we ‘know we should do and want to do for ourselves but don’t seem to have the motivation to do.

The MO-TIVATOR APP creates a FOCUSED spot for us to add up the Simple Self-Care Micro Decisions we make throughout the day; clicking the + sign rewards our brain each time with the extrinsic reward of seeing the number go up.

How does it Motivate?

Research shows that adding a positive extrinsic reward can help build and keep motivation levels up. This is similar to how we feel when we get likes on social media. Our brain has a drive to want to see the number go up. The app also gives us a convenient spot to track and tally all our Self Care efforts, which comes in handy.

Having this FOCUSED place to tally all the little self care things we do, all the good decisions we make throughout the day, week, month, year, all time… helps us place our FOCUS on how much we HAVE done instead of getting hyper-focused on what we’ve failed to do.

So instead of being completely thrown off by focusing on what we haven’t doneโ€”our ‘failures’โ€”and sabotaging our goals, the MO-TIVATOR APP helps us keep our focus on all the self care efforts we have achieved.

Stats Page

The tallied numbers are organized on the stats page. It is a place where we can go to remind ourselves of how far we’ve come. Seeing the extrinsic proof of the tallied numbers encourages us to keep moving forward.

Get Motivated in 2 Seconds Post

The post Get Motivated in 2 Sec is where I share how the Intrinsic and Extrinsic Rewards support our Brain in our plight to take better care of ourselves (the premise on which the MO-TIVATOR APP was designed).

Building this positive messaging loop is how we can increase our motivation to do more self care. To dive deeper into how it works and the references, head to the post: Get Motivated in 2 Sec.

How the MO-TIVATOR APP Works

Each time you make a Simple Self Care Micro Decision, you

๐Ÿง  mentally acknowledge it with your positive intrinsic messaging: Example- Good job!โ€ฆ Then, you accompany that positive intrinsic reward to your brain with

๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿผ the extrinsic reward of clicking the plus (+) button on the APP. That’s it!

Your extrinsic reward shows up as an increase in number.

This SIMPLE click is an extrinsic acknowledgment reinforcing that you just made ANOTHER self care micro decision.

It is that simple!

Signing into the MO-TIVATOR APP the First Time

After downloading the APP the first time you sign in, you’ll input your Name (or Nickname) you want to show on your Stats page.

That’s it! Now, let’s go over how easy it is to use the MO-TIVATOR APP.

How to Use the MO-TIVATOR APP

The image next to the number 2. is the HOME Page. Each time you make a Simple Self Care Micro Decision, click the + sign. The number goes up.

There are 2 linked articles below the plus sign. The first is about Building Motivation in 2 Seconds. It is the premise on which this APP was created for you.

This post you are reading now- is the second linked post: MO-TIVATOR APP. To review how to use the app in the future click on the link.

Stats Page (Top Half)

Image Number 3. shows you the STATS Page. The big number shows you the total number of days of Simple Self Care.

There is a live link to the website. Then, there is a GRAPH view that shows you your choice of seeing tallies for each day of the current Week, or you can opt to view the tally for this Month or this Year. Scrolling further down the page there are 4 boxes with stats as well.

Image Number 4 is further down the stats page. As you scroll the page, on the bottom half, there are four boxes. The first three boxes show you a quick view of the total numerical value for the Week, Month, and Year. The fourth box includes your Lifetime total!

Looking for a Self Care Micro Decision?

Below the four boxes is a gold Visit Blog button. When you are ready to grab another Micro-Decision, it takes you to the latest posts. This way, you can see what’s new, and of course, scroll through all the self care posts to find what Tip, Tool, Swap, Movement… appeals to you.

You can literally grab anything from thesimpleselfcarelifestyle.com Blog. Each post contains 1, if not multiple, Simple Self Care Focused Actions that help you:

  • Reduce Toxins in Your Home and on Your Body
  • Add a Simple Nutrient Dense Food
  • Take an Action to Positively Impact a Common Condition
  • Find an effective exercise or movement that might be right for you.

Below the Button is a link to the website home page, where you can peruse the most popular posts and categories.

Moving on to the next icon of the navigation bar the HPA page. (Brain icon)

The HPA Page (image number 5.) has 2 audio files for you.

Training the HPA Axis is so foundational and is always a positive Self Care Micro Decision that I wanted to be sure you have at your fingertips the:

  • quick 1-minute 4-7-8 audio guide you can use anytime, anywhere. (No Wi-Fi is necessary for it to work)
  • the 3-minute guide that can help you unwind and fall asleep (again- No Wi-Fi, making it accessible anytime, anywhere)
  • and the link to the SLEEP Videos page, which has 30-minute, 8-hour, and 9-hour SLEEP videos you can play in the background to help you Relax or Fall Asleep.

Image 6. shows you what you’ll see when you click on the last Icon on the navigation menu. The website icon.

Each line > takes you to the corresponding page on thesimpleselfcarelifestyle.com.

๐Ÿ“The fourth line is of particular interest. The Subscriber Freebies.

This link gives you access to the Subscribers Freebie Page. It’s a page I’ve created for subscriber‘s that organizes and keeps the Free Tools, Free webinar/Programs, PDFs, etc., easily accessible and up to date.

NOTE: As a subscriber to thesimpleselfcarelifestyle.com, you also received a link in your Welcome email to the Subscribers Free Products, Programs, and Tools page, and you can always use that link.

That’s everything in a nutshell!

The MO-TIVATOR APP: Creating a Positive Feedback Loop

Over time, all the positive feedback helps us build on our successes while our disappointments in ourselves decreaseโ€”exactly what we want!

Creating a positive loop of Simple Self Care we build our motivation, helping us stay more consistent. The more consistent we are with Self-Care, the better we feel. The better we feel results in us looking better, and ultimately, as we create The Simple Self-Care Lifestyle that’s right for us, we live better.

3 images of mo. Teaching in 1980's, 2000's and 2020's
Wow, it looks like I gravitate toward pink when I am presenting!  I did not know that about myself until just now. 

When you find out how achieving the 1 Goal of Optimizing Your Terrain makes every other health, welness, fitness goal achievable- it SIMPLIFIES everything.

THe simple self care lifestyle


The Simple Self Care Lifestyle