
The SIMPLE self care lifestyle


I’m so glad you landed on The Simple Self Care Lifestyle and would like to extend a warm welcome!!! 

The goal of The Simple Self Care Lifestyle site is to provide YOU a ‘go-to’ resource that’ll help you and your family feel better, look better, and live better than ever imagined.

I’m mo, and I’m glad you are here!

My name is mo, and I feel better today than in my 20s. It has been many, many years of education, research, trial, and error that got me to this spot as well as the privilege and honor I have had to learn from clients, their experiences, how their improvements positively impacted their families, and now practitioners and their client journeys.

Entering my 7th decade of life, having worked in the integrative field of wellness for over 4 decades (before integrative was even a thing!), I now work with a small cohort of practitioners.

The drive behind The Simple Self Care Lifestyle site is the ongoing desire, the wish I have to help everyone achieve the wellness they want. 

At this stage, eyeing retirement in the near future, it feels like the right time to put together and make accessible all the information with references and resources, tips, tools, products, and programs that I know get results!

Goal: To Be Your Resource

Ultimately my goal is to help you achieve your goal by creating a growing resource that simplifies the health information you are looking for and provides you with the references & resources to help you make informed Self Care decisions in all stages of life.

Everything on The Simple Self Care Lifestyle Revolves around the 1 Goal, 1 Focus, Micro Decisions that’ll Help You Get Results

THe simple self care lifestyle


The Website

3 Images. Photo back of computer with script BLOG middle image front of computer view titled Videos Image on right back is looking over the shoulder of a woman reading a tablet with mo teaching a program.

I’m starting with Common Conditions and Foundational Wellness in the Posts and Videos. My plan is to then cover all life stages, from Pre-conception to how to best extend our HEALTH span.

Everything on The Simple Self Care Lifestyle site SUPPORTS Self Care and Self Advocacy. Both help us to improve our HEALTH SPAN as we Feel better, Look better & Live better than ever imagined!

Tips & Tools

The tips & tools have been in use for decades. They are the same that enabled me, my clients, & practitioners to focus on what WORKS!

Here is the FREE MOTIVATOR APP I specifically created for subscribers to help UNLOCK Your Motivation so you can achieve your goals one micro-decision at a time.

Once you grab your FREE MOTIVATOR APP, I will send you a series of welcome emails to get you jump-started on The Simple Self-Care Lifestyle.

Unlock Your Motivation!

Achieve Your Goals

1 Micro-Decision at a time

We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.

About Products

I tirelessly search for products that support our bodies. It is ever-changing, and I’m constantly contacting companies, owners, reps, and suppliers to find the least toxic and hopefully NON-TOXIC options. Cross-checking the information that I receive is next to make sure I understand the impact the product has on our bodies.

I have created 5 Categories that I will continue to add to for you.

The only products that make it onto my posts or the shop products page are those I use, have used with good results, or would use because clients or practitioners have had good results. No exceptions. And I do not ‘just try‘ the products; I use them for long periods.

Isn’t Reading Labels Enough?

Unfortunately, we have to be careful. It is upon us to look PAST the marketing of ‘Natural’, ‘Organic’, ‘Made without’, ‘Green’, and ‘Safe’ marketing on the labels and know the ingredients that are IN each product. The labels are OFTEN misleading to downright deceiving as they leave out the toxicity of what is left in!

This misrepresentation is unfortunate for the products that ARE safe for us and don’t have big marketing budgets. I work hard to seek out those very ‘clean’ products and will share them with you.

Another thing I do is leave products as they change in the WRONG direction- which happens A LOT. So checking back to see what products are still listed is a great idea.

Quick Examples

Quick examples: The Nail Polish that was ‘Free of 15’ offensive chemicals I was using had other toxic chemicals that were rated more toxic still in it!


Nail Polish

Nail Polish Labels are misleading. They give the perception of ‘safe’ when they are not.

A shampoo I’ve used for multiple years was rated a 1 for toxicity, and in 2022 the rating crept up to a 5. Same product packaging, and name, the changes have occurred incrementally behind the scenes. At the moment, I am 5 months into researching the next shampoo, and I do not have a solid replacement yet that I recommend.

SALT: Specifically Lead and Plastic in Salt! TEA: Plastic nanoparticles in tea bags- even organic tea bags. Billions of nanoparticles per cup!


Lead & Plastic Free Salt

Salt is something we use day in and out. Skip the Lead and Plastics..

I look into every ingredient of every product in all product categories. Makeup, Sunscreens, Cleaners, Bedding, Laundry detergent, Candles, Water, Salt (Food), and so on… it all matters.

The fewer toxins our body must handle, the less toxic our body is! The less toxic our body is, the more resilient it can be.

The more resilient our body, the better we feel. The better we feel, the more we can care for ourselves, and we look more vibrant. The better we feel, the better we look, the better we LIVE!

EXTRA NOTE: All products listed are and will always be Gluten free, Corn Free, Dairy Free, Soy Free, Mango Free.

About Programs

The programs I develop are efficient and effective, with measurable results. As the website becomes more established, I will add the programs I have offered for multiple decades. Please consider subscribing to stay in the know!

Now available: The Prenatal and Postnatal Courses

A great place to start for the Prenatal is to grab the Free Pdf:

Pregnancy Abs: The Secret to a Stronger, Fitter You.

Pregnancy Abs: The Secret to a Stronger, Fitter You.

We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at anytime

ProgramS Notify List

My hope.

I hope The Simple Self Care Lifestyle is the spot you confidently turn to, knowing that everything here revolves around helping YOU to simplify the what, why & how to get the wellness you want—feeling, looking & living better than you ever imagined!

The Simple Self Care Lifestyle is in its infancy. Please join me, engage with me, and let me know your questions so we can create the spot you want to turn to together! Email: [email protected]

Toward the end of the year, I will re-start making videos implementing all the lessons and feedback from making the first 75 or so. I’m also beginning to learn Pinterest if you happen to be on that platform.

If you’d like to jump into The Simple Self Care Lifestyle– the START HERE, shares the Foundational Concepts that EVERYTHING on The Simple Self Care Lifestyle is based on. I’ve linked the START HERE page for you here:



…and yet ANOTHER pink shirt…

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The Simple Self Care Lifestyle

How the Website is Set Up For You

the website set up of

The Simple Self Care Lifestyle

The Simple Self Care Lifestyle website grew between the end of May 2022 when the first post went up to February 2023 (10 months) to 43 posts, Multiple Videos, 22 pages, and 6 product categories.

The posts I created, the technical experience I gained, along with the encouraging feedback from subscribers (thank you) set the stage for tackling this next growth phase of needing to be faster for mobile users. I was advised there was a need to redesign the website (again) in order to keep growing.

Here’s the new look and how the website is set up for you.

Front Page Top

Top Menu Bar:

As you continue to scroll down

  • Popular Posts: 3 Most Popular Posts. The button goes to Self Care Blog with every post.
  • Click it
  • Choose your language, and the site is set up to convert the text for you.

Subscribers Share Results Section

The most rewarding aspect of building a resource is the lovely emails I receive. Subscribers are truly the backbone of The Simple Self Care Lifestyle: The questions I receive and the fantastic feedback about the information, tips, tools, and products are beneficial when it comes to tailoring what I’ll post next.

On the front page, you can scroll through some of the latest emails sent my way. And here is a link to the RESULTS page where I will continue to add emails that I receive.

I hope to hear from you too! Please know when you do use the form to share your results, names are used only with permission. Some prefer first name only, others anonymous or initials. I never use last names, though. The MORE RESULTS button on the home page takes you to read more! 

THANK YOU to all that write me!!! If you are ready to share, please click here: SHARE RESULTS FORM

YouTube Video

  • A Youtube video is in the next section, and a button to subscribe to the channel.

Beneath the Youtube video is a clickable section for all 6 Categories

The last section is on each page and is clickable navigation links too!

And category index archve page.

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The Simple Self Care Lifestyle

Where would you like to go next?

Self Care

Start Here

The foundation from which EVERYTHING on The Simple Self Care Lifestyle is based on.

The Simple Self Care Lifestyle

Self Care

Subscribers Results

Read emails sent in to Simple Self Care Lifestyle sharing RESULTS

THe simple self care lifestyle

start here!