1 Minute Stretches The Simple Self Care Lifestyle

1 Minute Stretches

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1 Minute Stretching Videos to guide you!

Subscribers who have gone through the 5 Simple Exercises 90 Day Series asked for maintenance options. The 1 Minute Videos provide just that! Enjoy!

1 Minute = Results

1 Minute Stretches The Simple Self Care Lifestyle

1 Minute Stretches Benefit You!

Research proves 1 Minute Stretches WORK!

Feel better, Look Better, LIVE better…The Simple Self Care Lifestyle

1 Min Videos Followed by Instructional Videos

Some Instructional Videos from the 5 Simple Exercises 90 Day series are on the bottom of the page for your reference.

1 Min. Videos

☝🏼1 Min: Shoulder & Neck Tension Release

6 Min All 1 Min Videos Back to Back

Instructional Videos.

These are plucked from the 90 days 5 Simple Exercises Program.

AB Exercise 

Instruction Starts at Minute: 03:08

Prop Placement

Posture Exercise Prop placement for lower ab exercise

Hamstring Release

Instructions for Releasing Your Hamstring Muscles. Starts 00:56

Releasing Low Back Tension

The Instructions for Releasing Low Back Tension scroll to 03:10

Spine Mobility & Entire Back of Body Stretch

Instructions for Spine Mobility and Stretching the Entire Back of Your Body.


Head to Toe. Back view of Woman Stretching Words Head to Toe.
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The Simple Self Care Lifestyle

THe simple self care lifestyle
