Home ยป Self-Care Your Body ยป Tone Abs & Butt. Release Your Back. 3 Simple Self Care Tips!

Tone ABs, Buttock & Release Your Back throughout the day with these 3 SIMPLE Self Care Tips

Tone Abs & Butt with 3 Simple Self Care Tips woven into your day that’ll get you results! No need to stop what you are doing to add the actions!

There is no added time needed and no cost to use the 3 SELF CARE actions that’ll improve your muscle strength and help you relieve low back muscle tension.

Before you try TIP 1, take a second to move your head left and right.

Get a feel for the range of motion and any tension. Great! Now try TIP 1.

Tip 1. Lift your rib cage

Tone Abs and Butt Tip 1 Lift Your Rib Cage to Tone Your Abs

Tip 1 is for your Abs

as you lift your rib cage up, your ab muscles engage.

This is true whether you are;

  • sitting,
  • standing,
  • or even walking.

While you are doing your everyday activities, simply focus on the bottom of your rib cage and lift upward about an inch.

No need to over-exaggerate. A little lift and you will feel your ab muscle become engaged.

A nice domino effect: Your mid/upper back gets in the action.

While you sit or move around with your rib cage liftedโ€“ move your head left and right again.

Do you feel how your head and neck have released a bit? Isnโ€™t that so cool!?!

This is why, during the chair routines Titled Posture Seated Routines on the Video Topics page, I emphasize sitting tall, tall, tall.




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Your posture is positively impacted from head to toe when you lift that little bit.

Your abs get engaged and do more of the work they are meant to do, like taking pressure off of your joints.

Done throughout the dayโ€“ making this a focused Micro Decision that turns into a habit while you:

  • sit at a desk,
  • take a walk,
  • drive,…
Todays Simple Self Care Tip

All Micro Decisions add up to RESULTS!

To begin to weave this Simple Self Care tip into your Lifestyle, choose a few specific activities or designated times to lift your rib cage while you go about your day.

Day in and day outโ€“ among a multitude of benefits โ€“ it tones your abs.

Tip 1. Throughout the day, lift your rib cage.

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Tip 2 Go up the stairs 2 at a time.

Tone Abs and Butt

Tip 2

Going up the stairs 2 at a time tones your buttocks.

Engage your abs. Head up the stairs two at a time.

  • Maybe you do one step this way.
  • The next day 2.
  • Progressively work up the number of stairs you can climb 2 at a time.

No need to overdo it. Know your body. Start with what works COMFORTABLY for your joints. Especially your knees.

Do you feel how your buttocks get to engage?

How much it gets to work out with this simple change? Isnโ€™t that just fascinating?

We can maintain and improve our fitness level throughout our day. Over time our Simple Self Care actions add up to a lifestyle. ๐Ÿ˜

Done throughout the day, making this a habit while you head up a flight of stairs adds up.

Day in and day out, among the multitude of benefits โ€“ it tones your buttocks.

Tip 2. Throughout the day, go up 2 stairs at a time.

Tip 3. Alternate resting one foot on a sturdy object that is a few inches high

Tone Abs and Butt Release your back.

Tip 3

Alternating the resting of one foot on a sturdy object that is a few inches high releases your back.

By placing one foot up a bit, you release your lower back. So if you are standing doing dishes, standing at a desk or workbenchโ€ฆ

  • Rest one foot on something sturdy that is a few inches high.

No need to have it higher than a few inches. When I stand at the kitchen counter cutting or washing vegetables, I simply open the cupboard door and place a foot on the ledge.

At my standing desk, I have a silver planter pot (empty, of course) turned over, and I place my foot on that.

Give it a try. Do you feel how lifting your one foot and resting it just a few inches off the floor alleviates tension in your lower back?

Simple Self Care!

Tip 3. Alternate releasing your back throughout the day. Rest one foot on a sturdy object a few inches off the ground.

Remind yourself CONSTANTLY that you are doing GREAT! Each and every time you catch yourself making a Good Self Care Micro Decision, CELEBRATE it. Keep giving your brain the positive GOOD MOOD Hormone HIT!

Tracking can be MOTIVATING!

Understanding the best way to achieve our GOALS is to FOCUS on and Leverage the way our body is set up to work. Leveraging and layering one GOOD Micro Decision after another reaps exponential benefit, and achieving our individual goals is a Fantastic RESULT is made easier when we have a drive toward finding the next and next Self Care action that appeals to us.

To leverage this knowledge, I’ve had an APP created that supports MOtivation. It’s the MOtivator. Click here to read how it is intended to support Micro Decisions.

Fill out below if you’d like this FREE Self Care Tool that I made to support you on your journey of creating your Self Care Lifestyle.

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MOtivator APP

Then each and every time you plug in one of these 3 TIPS throughout your day, hit the +!

Have a great day!

The Simple Self Care Lifestyle

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