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Purified Water: What Purifies Water SIMPLY, Effectively & is Practical when on the Go?

A product called GeoPress. It is a simpleeffective, CONVENIENT product that can provide purified water wherever and whenever you are out and about.

Purify Your Water

Think playgrounds, schools, and college campuses. Water fountains in public places, bike paths, grocery stores, malls, churches, amusement parks, museums, trails, hotels, rest stops on road trips, camping grounds, drinking from a hose, plastic bottles sitting in your hot car, traveling overseas….

No matter where you are, the quality of the water source doesn’t ever have to be a concern!

If you are thinking that your parks, shops, and town’s water is just fine to drink when you are out, I’d encourage you to peruse the Consumer Reports article linked for you in the references at the end.

In any given year somewhere between 9 million and 45 million Americans get their drinking water from a source in violation of the Safe Drinking Water Act. (2)

This is JUST the US. (2)(7) The 2021 Consumer Reports article is eye-opening and worth a read. I’ve linked it in the reference section for you below.

I share a great tool where you can plug in your zip code and get a complete list of what is in your water on The Best Water Filter Post

Best Under Sink and Whole House Filters

A subscriber asks: What do you recommend for an in-home filter to remove fluoride etc., from our own drinking water? Here’s what I use and WHY.

Feel better, Look Better, LIVE better…The Simple Self Care Lifestyle

Doesn’t drinking bottled water when I’m out and about fix that mo?

Nope. For many years now, research shows that when we buy and drink water from disposable plastic water bottles, we are also drinking tiny bits of plastic. Plastic is most often from the bottling process itself. (1)

Plastic is adding up in our bodies. Current research (2022) is showing plastics detectable in the blood of 77% of the general population they tested. (2)

researchers found plastic in the blood of 17 of 22 of study participants, (general population) about 77 percent. (7) (bold, italic, population added)

Avoiding plastic is not easy, but taking steps to reduce contact as much as possible by not buying and drinking water from plastic bottles is a good idea.

Is there a way to have purified water when on the go that is ALSO free of microplastics?

Yes. I personally own, use, and recommend today’s product. It is called GeoPress


  • Provides a quick fill-up of clean water whenever and wherever.
  • Is easy to leave empty in the car- at the ready.
  • and is very convenient for ALL kinds of travel.

It is light, super SIMPLE to use, and pays for itself.

I have no connection to the company, and as a matter of fact, the way I use their product is atypical compared to their niche market.

I want to point out there is one very important consideration when it comes to this filter that is: Users need upper body strength. You’ll see why when I show you how it works.

This Post was Sparked by a Recent Question About Water.

A couple of months back, during a meeting with a practitioner, the question came up:

“mo, is there anything you would suggest when it comes to driving across the country?”

My IMMEDIATE thought was YES!! A portable water purifier!

Having driven across the country and back a couple of times, and honestly even just traveling the East Coast- D.C., N.Y., Florida…. there have been so many times the water has tasted bad or bottled water was so inconvenient and heavy to schlepp in museums, etc. that I had to find a better way!

I researched, bought, and tested MULTIPLE water filters and purifiers.

On our 2nd trip across the country, I was lugging a filter that I’d hook up to the hotel faucets every night to use for cooking and refill our bottles for our next day on the road.

It worked, but it was cumbersome, and I had to guess how many bottles of water we would need for the day.

PLUS, I had to fill and pack those bottles too. It was not portable enough.

I kept researching.

My goal was to find a portable option that could be used ON THE SPOT.

Made well enough to remove all the bad stuff yet simple enough and compact enough to take when traveling internationally as well.

It is a LONG detailed list of ‘wants’, BUT I found the product that does all that and more!

The GeoPress fits my entire list of needs perfectly.

Reliable for big trips. Compact, SIMPLE and convenient enough to have on hand for day-to-day use.

This is why when asked if I had any suggestions for a road trip, I knew right away the GeoPress water purifier would make a huge difference!

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In a Nutshell, Here’s What the GeoPress Does For You.

Grayl GeoPress purifies water for you in a matter of seconds. According to their documentation:

In eight seconds, it makes 24 ounces of clean drinking water anywhere on earth….safely drink from sketchy spigots, hotel sinks, murky rivers, wells or lakes.
It improves taste, smell, and clarity!

(It takes me a good 10-12 seconds)

The documentation lists GeoPress as able to: Remove

Funky tastes and odors.

Waterborne pathogens.

99.9% of Viruses like


99.9% of Bacteria like




99.9% Protozoan cysts like:




Filters Chemicals such as:




Heavy Metals like:




Particulate like:




Todays Simple Self Care Tip

Today’s Simple Self Care Product ReviewGrayl GeoPress. A simple, effective product that provides you with purified water: Wherever. Whenever.

An excellent Self Care Micro Decision that protects you and your family.

Here’s How Simple It Is to Use and the Caveat

A Quick Slideshow

Purified Water Wherever, Whenever.


purify Water Canister.

To begin pull apart the 2 containers.

Purified Water


Purified Water

Fill up the empty bottom container with water from any sink, fountain, tap, bottle or other source,

Purified Water How to includes turning ca a half turn


Purified Water

Pull apart as shown.

the filter part (the inside container) with the cap on and TWIST the cap a half-turn. Point the cap arrow to the green spot so air can vent during the press down.

Position the filter container on top of the exterior container that has the water in it.

Place your palms on each side of the cap.

Press SLOWLY and steadily downward using your body weight.

As you press down, the water will be forced up through the filter into the inside portion of the inserted container. That’s it!

Purified Water

Drink or pour into a different water bottle and repeat to fill additional water bottles.


Important Caveat.

To use this SIMPLE water purification, good upper body strength is needed to be able to press down from above.

When you are done for the day.

Place the inner canister into the EMPTY outer one and do a few more presses with the cap on.

WHY? There is water sitting in the orange filter, and it is a lot of water.

Once you have done that:

Let the inner and outer pieces remain separate so the air can circulate around the filter.

This way, it can dry and be ready before packing it back together and placing it in your car, bag, backpack, office drawer, etc.

REMEMBER: Users need upper body strength.

The ability to place your weight on the lid from above as you press down is the way it works

Simply placing the purifier on a flat surface below you, like a bench, step, or whatever is around, is enough for you to be able to lean into it.

If you can see yourself doing that, then the GeoPress Purifier is right for you.

When to use it.

First, I believe every person should have one in their Emergency kit.

You do not have to be scooping water out of a river or lake to benefit from GeoPressalthough that is exactly what it is intended for. You of course, can do that!

My suggestion is to take advantage of the amazing water purification for any type of on-the-go situation you have.

Daily errands:

At home, I buy mineral water in glass bottles. Glass bottles are heavy, unrealistic, and dangerous to drive around with.

I also have an amazing under-the-counter water purification system. It’s a good 22 years old and is used non-stop. * UPDATE.


Our kitchen filter kicked the bucket, AND while waiting for our new one, we used the GEO Press all day long! My husband made a bunch at night, and then we supplemented throughout the day so we could still drink, cook, etc., with purified water! I purchased another and threw it into my emergency bag.

Always on Hand

Before heading out the door, I’d grab a water bottle. If I needed to refill my water bottle, I’d use the GeoPress.

It may very well be the refilled water has to come out of a plastic bottle, but again- 1 press and I do not have to give it a 2nd thought. The GeoPress will take out the microplastics.

I think it’d be good to use it at the office instead of the water cooler that has unknown quality.

For outdoor activities like- bike rides, dog walks, road camping, amusement parks, going to the water park with the kids, dog park, hanging out on the beach….

Car trips short and long.

In hotel rooms, museums, flying,*

Wherever and whenever you are ready for a drink of water, you can fill up from a tap, water fountain, hose, water spout, water bottle, or even the river or lake if the opportunity presents itself– you’ll be ready!

It is great for the airport* and international travel. You can have peace of mind when it comes to drinking water while traveling at home and abroad.

Instead of All Plastic Water bottles?

Yup. One of my favorite features of the GeoPress is eliminating drinking the dangerous endocrine disruptor: plastic that is in our water bottles. No matter where you live.

Eleven globally sourced brands of bottled water, purchased in 19 locations in nine different countries, were tested for micro plastic contamination. Of the 259 total bottles processed, 93% showed micro plastic contamination. (1)

It Pays for Itself & Saves Money

There is the initial investment for the purifier, but it makes up for itself over time and HEALTH!

I wanted to break down the cost of using the purifier by calculating the MINIMUM life you will get out of the filter.

The filter is the orange thing that does the purifying. Here is a photo of my replacement filter.

Purified Water

I say MINIMUM because this is made to be filtering and purifying a ton of yucky stuff from rivers, lakes, and streams… (where, unfortunately, removing microplastics is needed too).

Here’s the Breakdown:

The Grayl GeoPress 24-ounce purifier that I have = is $0.46 per Gallon MAXIMUM cost. Most likely, it is even less because you are not dipping into rivers, streams, and lakes.

If you buy One gallon of Water in a plastic bottle

  • From the big box store comes up at $1.08
  • Whole Foods’ one-gallon price is $1.49.

Families Save a Bundle Quickly!

Purify water for the whole family while at a Museum, Theme park, Walking around a City, Sightseeing, and saving a ton!

I looked up the current list price of a 20-ounce bottle of water at Disney. It averages $3.50.

Your GeoPress at 0.46 cents a gallon means you’d have close to six and a half – 20-ounce bottles of water for 0.46 cents total!- And NO micro-plastics!

Plus, everyone can have their lightweight empty canister, and you can refill it whenever they are thirsty!

*Important Tips for Using the GeoPress

Do not wash the inner cartridge with the filter attached. You will ruin the filter. Detach it if you want to wash the container.

Practice using your GeoPress. It takes a bit of getting used to.

You’ll need to get the feel of how to go slow and easy when pressing down.

It becomes 2nd nature, but in the beginning, if you are too quick or a bit crooked, the water will come up and out, spilling over the sides.

Once done using the GeoPress for the day.

Press the insert container into the EMPTY sleeve container a few more times.

The water sitting in the orange cartridge is forced up and out.

Then allow the cartridge to air dry while not in use.


Forcing the water out of the cartridge by pressing the filter back down the EMPTY outer sleeve is imperative! This is EXTREMELY important.

It appears that the container is empty, even dry, BUT the cartridge itself holds A LOT of water that the air pressure will force out and all over your belongings.

What’s the GeoPress made of?

Exterior Shell: polypropylene

“Polypropylene (PP) is the safest of all plastics; it is a robust heat-resistant plastic. Because of its high heat tolerance, it is unlikely to leach even when exposed to heat.”

Interior Case: ABS Number 7

EWG rates ABS Number 7 as 1.

Both are rated Food Contact safe by the FDA.

Overheating of ABS can cause toxic fumes and is not relevant for the water purifier.

With that said: I am NOT a fan of any Plastic when it comes to food storage or consumption.

So although it is great that the plastics are rated as human-friendly. Non-leaching, etc. I purify my water and then pour it into my glass water bottle.

Is it necessary? Definitely not if you are drinking the water right away.

I cannot say for certain if it sits in there for hours. And as someone who between the ages of 15 and mid-30s had ongoing growths/tumors surgically removed from my body, I pass on all things that are known hormone disruptors.

Getting rid of as much plastic as possible is one of the MANY micro-decisions I have added up over the past two and half decades now. I am happy all the micro-decisions have resulted in not having any additional growths since then.

I find it convenient enough to purify my water and then pour it into my glass water bottle.

There you go!

The SIMPLE, Effective, Convenient Water Purifier Product.

My hope is sharing the simple products that support Self Care Micro-decisions, as well as the research behind each, helps support you on your journey of creating The Simple Self Care Lifestyle you want for you, your family, and your home!

If you are looking for a water filter for your kitchen and/or home, Please check back–I’m updating the original Post as the company has changed hands, and I am getting acquainted with the products that will remain available.

Have a Sunny Day!

🔗’s Where to find

Purified Water Grayl Water Purifier

Another SIMPLE Travel Tip:

For a Non-toxic detergent that is amazingly SIMPLE to travel with as well visit the: NON-Toxic Laundry Detergent Option

Non-toxic laundy detergent. Clean clothing in a wicker basket

Non-Toxic Laundry Options

Non-Toxic Laundry Options That Work & Simpler than Making Your Own.

Feel better, Look Better, LIVE better…The Simple Self Care Lifestyle

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I’m glad you are here…

Linked References/Resources for you further down.

1. Mason SA, Welch VG, Neratko J. Synthetic Polymer Contamination in Bottled Water. Front Chem. 2018 Sep 11;6:407. doi: 10.3389/fchem.2018.00407. PMID: 30255015; PMCID: PMC6141690.

2. Heather A. Leslie, Martin J.M. van Velzen, Sicco H. Brandsma, A. Dick Vethaak, Juan J. Garcia-Vallejo, Marja H. Lamoree, Discovery and quantification of plastic particle pollution in human blood, Environment 4nternational,Volume 163, 2022, 107199,ISSN 0160-4120, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envint.2022.107199.

3. Allaire M, Wu H, Lall U. National trends in drinking water quality violations. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2018 Feb 27;115(9):2078-2083. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1719805115. Epub 2018 Feb 12. PMID: 29440421; PMCID: PMC5834717.

4. FDA approved plastics for food contact – which plastics make the cut?: A&C plastics. FDA Approved Plastics for Food Contact – Which Plastics Make the Cut? | A&C Plastics. (n.d.). Retrieved July 21, 2022, from https://www.acplasticsinc.com/informationcenter/r/fda-approved-plastics-for-food-contact

5. Contributors, W. M. D. E. (n.d.). Polypropylene: Is it toxic? WebMD. Retrieved July 21, 2022, from https://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/what-to-know-bout-the-toxicity-of-polypropylene

6. Ryan Felton, Lisa L. Gill. “How Safe Is Our Drinking Water?” Consumer Reports, 28 Apr. 2021, https://www.consumerreports.org/water-quality/how-safe-is-our-drinking-water-a0101771201/.

7. Magazine, Smithsonian. “Microplastics Detected in Human Blood in New Study.” Smithsonian.com, Smithsonian Institution, 28 Mar. 2022, https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/microplastics-detected-in-human-blood-180979826/.

8. OutdoorGearLab Grayl Geopress review. GearLab. (n.d.). Retrieved July 20, 2022, While does not rate the Grayl high for hiking due to its size. It does rate it as the top scorer for filteration.

9. This Company Tested a bunch of filter straws and filters. including Grayl.

Grayl test screenshot from widners

“We are happy to report that water quality is amazing and unmatched when it comes to this system. We’d recommend it just for what Grayl advertises. This makes it the best option out there even when it comes to heavy pollution.” (8)