Hamstring Muscles. Week 4 of 90 Days 5 SIMPLE Ex

Week 4 Daily Routine: 90☀️ Days 5 🖐🏼 Simple Exercises

Hamstring muscles impact our posture so much that when you have chronic aches and pains anywhere in your body, you should check in on the hamstring muscles for tautness and discrepancies.

Week 4 Daily Routine

We slowly, equally coax our hamstring muscles into releasing any excess muscle tautness.

Strategically positioning ourselves against a wall and using the right props for our height and present hamstring flexibility, we avoid stretching one side more than the other. This is key to overall body release.

Hamstring Muscle Stretch using the wall and yoga blocks as props



Like with our abs:

Going LOWER is NOT always the ONLY goal 😁.

Please always use the prop that is the right height for YOU. All of us have different leg and torso – ratios. Plus, different hamstring tautness.

Choose, use, and always switch to the prop height that offers you a comfortable stretch.

Change your prop going lower as your hamstring muscles release.

3 Props for Stretching Hamstring Muscles

Typical placement to help position.

Hamstring Muscle Stretch position buttocks against wall feet flat and hands on stable prop

During the entire exercise:

Please ALWAYS, ALWAYS, maintain contact between both your butt cheeks and the wall. If only one buttock cheek is touching the wall, the stretch will be different between your right and left leg.

Slow, gentle hamstring muscle release will offer you many benefits!

🔗 Click here to review the Hamstring Exercise Instruction post/video

Hamstring Release

Release Your Hamstring Muscles to Improve Posture and MUCH More!

Feel Better, Look Better, and Live Better than you ever imagined!

Weeks 4-6 Tracking Sheet & Head to Toe Form

Head to Toe. Back view of Woman Stretching Words Head to Toe.

Measurement Sheets

Download Measurements Sheets


Blocks I Use for Ab work and This Butt Slide

For Routines First Exercise: Make your own Props to set yourself up to challenge every rep of your ab workout.

Bolster and Self Made Bolster for Fix Belly Pooch Exercise

Grab 2 large beach towels.

Roll one up.

Wrap the other one around it.

Place rubber bands on each end.

If You Prefer A Ready Made Bolster, I use This One

Links Related Posts: Weeks 1-4

Week 1

Information: the WHY & WHAT we are doing.

Week 1

Daily Routine Video & Prop Instruction

Week 2

Instructional Post & Videos Low Back

Week 2

Daily Routine Video & Prop Links

Week 3

Instructional Advance Ab Exercise

Week 3

Daily Routine Video & Prop Instruction

Week 4

Instructional Hamstring Exercise

Week 4

Daily Routine Video Includes Hamstring

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