Woman Excited. Eyes Closed Mouth Smiling at showing the joy of feeling better.

Subscribers share results.

Here are emails I’ve received about how The Simple Self Care Lifestyle’s: Information, Tips, Tools, Products & Programs has impacted them!

If you are exploring the site, or maybe you’ve fallen off the Self Care path and are ready to jump back in… reading the results subscriber’s have shared may be the encouragement you are looking for.

Hearing directly from others who are implementing The SIMPLE SELF CARE Lifestyle Information, Tips, Tools, Products and Programs can be motivating!

Share Your Results!

When you are ready 👍🏻 send your RESULTS! They are extremely helpful when it comes to encouraging others!

You can Email me

💌 [email protected]

or use this form: FORM to SHARE RESULTS

(Let me know if you’d like your first name and last initial or initials or anonymous. And I will share your encouragement.)

Subscribers emailed:

“My BP is down, my sugar is down, my weight is down….

…mo, my doctor is thrilled. I have done more for my body with less effort. You kept reminding me ONE single Focused Micro-decision at a time.

When I stopped trying to rush through multiple steps at once, guess what happened? It all slowly shifted everything. Just like you say! Thank you for your patience, for responding, and for always signing off with, “You’ve got this! I do. I’ve got this!!! Thanks to you, mo. 🧡 🧡 ” Mauve K.

HPA Axis is Amazing!!!

I have been battling migraines and high blood pressure for years! Staying off medication and working on my weight and changing my eating is always the plan that never panned out. UNTIL this YEAR!. Here’s my story: Each year my Primary Care Provider has prescribed medication for my migraines and offers prescriptions for my blood pressure and each year, I decline and am determined to get both under control without prescriptions.

This year on the way to my appointment, I decided that I’d accept the prescriptions if my BP was still climbing since It had been climbing for several years. I had no reason to believe my BP would be any different than all the other years (since it’s silent), and my weight and stress were still the same if not MORE. The ONLY thing I started doing the past 6 months was incorporating the HPA Axis Micro Decisions plus the Background music mo provided playing in my ear at the office.

Well, this appointment was the first in many, many that my PCP was impressed with me. My BP is come down! Of all years for it to begin to reduce!?! In this year of all years, the 2020 pandemic and working in healthcare! She asked me what I was doing differently and I said “Resetting my HPA Axis!!!” She asked me to share a bit more and wants to send more to Simplify Self Care. I am looking forward to continuing with Micro-Decisions this year and coming back to this page with more wonderful results. Thanks, mo!!!! M.O.P

“Back pain relieved…

“After knee surgery, came pain in my back out of nowhere. Pain that wouldn’t budge. The exercise you suggested was so ridiculously simple that I wrote back and said -COME ON….
With your encouragement, I did it in bed, and ya know what??? The position and deep breathing technique opened up my back.

As a matter of fact, it achieved that release in a matter of days so that I could focus again on my knee recovery.

So crazy yet cool what we can do to help our body when we know what to do and why.

Gotta say I’m the one you always talk about when you say don’t let something so SIMPLE lull you into thinking I’ll wait for the hard stuff….

Sending this in for the skeptics like me. I’m heading back to sign up for Sunday emails Week 1 cause, obviously I will benefit by layering on all the SIMPLE-Focused Actions I blew over this year. Thanks….” Bud S.

“How can I focus on self care when I have so much on my plate as it is!?

….Guilt was my main reason for pushing self care to the side.

You made it so simple, so accessible.

You are right; the only question I asked myself each day when I felt resistance was, Michelle do you WANT to take care of yourself??

Of course, I do was always the answer. Answering this question got me going the first months, and ya know, the whole put your oxygen mask on first so you can help others well, it is true.

Not only has my body benefitted, but my family has benefitted tremendously FROM MY CHANGES.

NOW the guilt trip is in reverse…do you want to let the family down by skipping self-care? HA! You’re a genius.* ” Michelle R.

“Your Micro Decisions and guidance have changed my life…

“…This felt so slow in the beginning. By the 2nd layering of Actions, I was like Whoa! So much gain for such a small concentrated amount of time.

My pants fit differently, my shoulder tension is gone, and my appetite is shifting.

All the exponential benefits you spoke of are unfolding right before my eyes. This is the simplest process. It is unbelievable. Thank you for sending us the first education tool free so I could be convinced it would REALLY be Simple.

Your Micro Decisions and guidance have changed my life.” Cally

“SIMPLE Focused Actions Work.

“…I’m on the 3 Muscle Groups section, and all I can say is my back has NEVER felt so good, and JUST LIKE YOU SAID on day 1, it’s the layering I could have NEVER done the 3rd muscle group exercises had I not loosened up and strengthened the other muscles. I’m sure you hear it all the time, but boy oh boy, your SIMPLE Focused Actions have changed my life. Thank YOU 🥰!” Aimee

“SIMPLE Focused Actions Work.

“…💗 You made such a difference in my life in such a short period of time. If you only knew how grateful I am for you.

Thank you for everything! 💗!” R.S.

“Why they don’t teach us this in school is beyond me…

“…My Back pain. Gone. 35 years of daily pain G-O-N-E I’ve done everything under the sun, and it was the Step 1 tool and Step 2 that created a pain-free existence for me.

YUP, less than a total of 10 minutes together, and I have benefits throughout my body. Why they don’t teach us this in school is beyond me.” John Z.


“…Just have to say I was amazed that I slept 6 straight hours last night. Thank you! I haven’t had 6 straight hours of sleep in years.” Marilyn O.

“This time I Didn’t Quit…

“…Things were slow, or they feel like you go too slow. I could not see how this would benefit me… and I kept quitting the simple breathing.

This time I would not let myself off the hook. I was either going to prove you wrong or it would work–I would enjoy either 🤣.

It’s day 78, and I am noticing I am not as anxious. I will email again on day 90! ” Anthony G.

“90 Days IN Update from Anthony…

“…Anthony again. My BP is down. My wife can’t believe the calm way I can go about my day. I tell her about the dimmer switch- (the stuff I found soooo boring)

You have something here. I feel better and better each day, and my family is better for it too. The self care small decisions have created an entirely new life for me, and it is positively impacting my family. On to my next 90 days, leaving my impatience out of the equation this time.” Anthony

“90 Days 5 Micro-decisions…

“…Here’s what one astonished user of the Simplify Self Care Process had to say at her 90-day mark. So far, she has incorporated 5- yup, ONLY 5 – daily Micro Decisions!

I am a 52-year-old female that works in the healthcare field, and stress is at an all-time high.

I started the SimplifySelfCare Achieve Your Goal Process, slowly layering on Micro Decisions, and I can’t believe it has been 90 days already.

That says something when you aren’t begrudgingly counting how long you’ve been doing something.

So…doing my head-to-toe analysis from when I received my first Simplify Self Care email up to today is 90 days, and it is mind-blowing to have such amazing results, so I wanted to share them.

Especially since I have never felt the feeling that I am killing myself or giving anything and everything up!

The goal I had when I signed up was to finally figure out how I could lose weight in a way that was healthy. Good thing I did the Head to Toe scan! I highly recommend doing it like mo suggests…here’s what happened:

My BEFORE Micro Decisions list and then my 90-day RESULTS

BEFORE Starting, I did the Head to TOE form of my body.

Here’s what I was living with before using my first MD (Micro Decision) 90 days ago :

  • Headache or migraines weekly
  • Daily neck pain
  • Knee pain all day, every day, several meniscus tears / severe cartilage damage
  • Was awaiting surgery, unable to walk at the end of the workday
  • Unable to inhale deeply and hold my breath to Perform 4-7-8 breathing
  • Sleep – Unable to fall asleep sometimes until 2-3 AM.
  • Wake hourly with knee pain,
  • Mornings: Woke up tired, tight, and in pain head to toe.
  • Stress: always felt heightened emotions, exhausted, easily triggered!

Today exactly 90 days and layering on 5 Daily Micro Decisions-

I can’t recall the last headache!

  • No neck pain, occasionally tight tension after work, but NO Pain
  • Knee pain is reduced!!!!; mainly flares up at the end of the day
  • No immediate plans for surgery, walking my dog after work 3-5 days a week
  • Breathing, I can inhale deeply. I can actually feel when I am pushing my scalene muscles w/ exhalation
  • Sleep: Best sleep in years!!!!! Fall asleep easily, sleep through the night, and wake relaxed, rested, and not in pain!
  • Stress: the overall sense of calmness, rested able to handle daily stressors waaaay better. It surprises me how calmly I react to things I would have been irate about before! It’s CRAZY!
  • I already lost a few pounds, and that’s just during this setup phase!

This is 100% straightforward. I KNOW exactly what to do and when.

This means it’s never felt overwhelming–like so many other programs I have tried. It’s 100 possible to do in the busiest of lives. I can’t wait to start my Next Level up!

The first 90-day results way OVER exceeded my expectations and have been such a surprise that one will have to experience it to believe how it WORKS!!!” Healthcare Worker

“I said it would never happen again…

“…You know…I said it would never happen again. I would not let myself go and place my health on the back burner, and here I am I’m not taking good care of myself. I’m once again PUSHING through as my life changes around me. I’m feeling so isolated. Your Sunday emails are my saving grace! I’ve started the audio, and it’s a huge help to have my weekly focus. Thank you, mo, for doing this! xo ” Ana

“Sunday Self Care E-Mails are perfect!…

“…My mind is all over the place between constant toddler activity and planning how to care for everything as a single mom…oh the ANXIETY. I’m glad you’re developing this new way to connect with people instead of just the bad things that are out there; you share in a very simple way how to swap one thing out at a time. I feel more and more in control because I understand the positive steps I CAN take to protect myself and my daughter. Anxiety reduces ☀️ Sunday mornings. Sunday Self Care E-Mails are perfect! The World needs you!” Jennifer


“Your emails couldn’t come at a better time. I’m so looking forward to each Sunday to start back to better health and less negative impact of my stress. THANK YOU! All my love and lots of virtual hugs!” Winnie


“…Good mood foods. The list helped me through my birthday and Thanksgiving, and I’m sure will be what I lean on most for Hanukah. Knowing how my brain works and being able to explain to others my focus has done more for my self-esteem than I can tell you. Instead of the ‘endless dieter, I’m now the one who focuses on self-care –ya know, that alone has changed how I feel others treat me. Wish I had this in school, and in counseling; all these years, I made myself feel bad for lacking willpower. Now by using breathing, reframing every day, and every meal, I can choose to help my body, and I can see how this upcoming year will be even more amazing. PS The videos help tremendously. Thank you for adding them.” Patti Z.

🤦🏻‍♀️ “Why don’t we learn to just do what mo says!?! Seriously… What’s our deal?” that’s what I said to my husband walking out of the bedroom this morning.

  • I KNOW what mo suggested to reduce my knee pain and inflammation to get ready for my knee surgery worked.
  • When I made the Micro Decisions to do her Focused Actions- guess what? They worked!
  • Actually, worked so amazingly that I shared the information with coworkers and had my husband try it.
  • He was impressed with the results he received also, and that’s saying a lot because he has had bilateral knee replacements!

Now fast forward…

Now fast forward –Post knee surgery, I was struggling with swelling in my knee.

Taking my prescribed NSAIDs & topical gel not working, I reached out to mo…. she asked, of course, about her suggestions of minerals and soaking; it was like a light bulb went off, and I couldn’t believe I hadn’t put them back into my routine.

I returned to soaking that night and woke up with my knee feeling soooo much better.

🤦🏻‍♀️I immediately said to my husband, what is wrong with us?

We have the tools and the knowledge, but yet we forget to use it!

I don’t have the answer to why that is yet, I am sure mo could tell me!!

I’m just glad she’s there each week and encourages reaching out.

What I do know is I am going to keep on soaking and taking my minerals; thank you MO!!


“…Thought you should know I fought the urge to buy my favorite chocolate and bought cauliflower and broccoli to put in my salad with nuts this week. That’s what I added to my salad at lunchtime. I was told to bring a dessert to our Halloween party and took a watermelon! Friends couldn’t believe I didn’t bring ice cream! And said as much.

I saw my reward on the scale. I lost 1 one glorious pound! Thanks so much for helping me make these small decisions and recognizing the benefit. Oh, I also recognized the pain in my lower back is lessened with the reduced amount of sugar. A definite reward that I recognized. Thanks again.” Marilyn


“…4th month in a row off my migraine medication. Not a single Migraine in 4 months, that’s down from multiple per week for the past 10 years. My specialist asked me what I was doing, and I said Self Care. I calm my HPA Axis multiple times each day, which helped me, changed my Stress Eating, Then I realigned my posture. He was like Your HPA Axis? Realigned Posture?? impressive words — okay, well, GOOD on YOU. Keep doing it, and I’ll see you next year.

I’ll repeat what others have said. It seems so slow, too SIMPLE, but layering on and doing the focused actions day in and day out adds up to amazing changes. Thank you for helping me to stop being mad at my body and instead be in amazement of it.” Maxine S.


“…For the first 4 days of HPA Axis Breathwork, I found myself weeping; on day 6, I could feel a shift; I describe it as a feeling of relief. I look forward to seeing what the entire 90 days will bring. I appreciate this so very much mo. Thank you. You’re a doll 😘 “Janet P.


“Angel 😇 that’s what you are. Thank you for showing back up into my life.. You changed my life when we first met 30 years ago….and again this week. I look forward to the Self-care emails each Sunday. 🙏🏻” Karen C.

“I’m in tears…

“…I’m close to day 90, and as you told us, the positive would slowly add up to noticeable change. I went from having daily headaches to weekly. This month 3 total! I’m in tears. Thank you is not enough but thank you. And please know all the little support things you include make a difference. For instance, printing out the tracking sheets next to my bed for the HPA Axis at night and the other on my frig for the 90 days 5 Simples exercises kept me going because I love checking things off!” Georgette

“More Energy, Better Mood & Sleep…

“…Husband is on board, making protein breakfasts, lunches, suppers, and we are both having more energy; with more energy, we move more, our mood is better, we play the HPA music each day to start us off in the am and fall to sleep to it. This is fantastic.” Sarah F.

“I’m Calmer, and so is My Cranky Baby…

“…I was struggling Postnatally to get my body and mind back. I’m on the 3rd step of the HPA Axis, and not only am I calmer my cranky baby is. Your background music is on loop here. I’m enjoying him now. Looking forward to the upcoming muscle work. Thank you.” Van (Vanessa).

“Knowing how your body works is so powerful at removing all of the fear-based behaviors happening right now…

“…Funny timing of your email. I found myself thinking about you recently and how grateful I am for everything you taught me years ago and how all of it still applies today. During a conversation with Paul about how so many people just want a pill to fix this or that and how I would have more than likely been in that boat had I not met you.

I would probably be on cholesterol meds, bp meds for my kidneys which they still push 3rd doc in, bladder meds, and probably lining up for my 4th booster. Two of the meds they wanted to put me on and one I was on briefly have since been recalled. One for causing cancer and the other for causing blindness which is in a large class action suit right now. I’d probably also be on some auto-immune suppressants with additional auto-immune junk.

To date, I am near the healthiest I’ve been.

I do the breathwork app every single night without fail and love it, and I love all the things you’ve shared so far. I know that it is a lot of work, and it is much appreciated, and I share them often.

Knowing how your body works is so powerful in removing all of the fear-based behaviors happening right now, and I love that you are doing this.

Knowing how your body works is so powerful in removing all of the fear-based behaviors happening right now, and I love that you are doing this. So many people want the magic beans to feel better, but in reality, the simple foundations are what work the best. I’ve learned so much over the years, and sometimes something will pop up, and I laugh and go; that’s why Mo had me add that in.

I am excited to see all the new things you are working on in the coming weeks and glad to see you are back.”~Jillian.

More emails from subscribers:

The Simple Self Care Lifestyle