Weeks 5-8

Weeks 5-8: You are on a ROLL!

Weeks 5-8 Daily Routine continues to use the 5 Simple exercises that focus on your:

AB muscles,

Neck Hump

Upper-Lower BackShoulders, and 

Releasing the back of your legs.

Your Daily Routine Video

You’ve got the hang of things.

Now is the time to ease into a rhythm of how the routine fits into your day.

We will advance and add more challenges WITHOUT adding more time come Week 9!

Need to Refresh a Position?

Weeks 5-8 can be a good time to refresh and advance positions.

With the newness behind us we can listen to the positioning info again and grab another nugget to help take the SAME exercises during weeks 5-8 to the next level.

To make it easy to find what you’d like to review, here are quick links that’ll take you to the specific instruction/routine videos.


Links Related Posts: Weeks 1-4

Week 1

Information: the WHY & WHAT we are doing.

Week 1

Daily Routine Video & Prop Instruction

Week 2

Instructional Post & Videos Low Back

Week 2

Daily Routine Video & Prop Links

Week 3

Instructional Advance Ab Exercise

Week 3

Daily Routine Video & Prop Instruction

Week 4

Instructional Hamstring Exercise

Week 4

Daily Routine Video Includes Hamstring

Download Measurements Sheets

Ready for Weeks 9 – 13!

Wow! Fantastic! This link takes you to the Entire 90 Days 5 Exercises Program for your ongoing EASY Access! And below the quick links is the Head to Toe Form. Now is a great time to log where your body is today. I’d LOVE to hear about your progress too!

90 Days 5 Simple Exercises

All videos, including HOW to Advance & Weeks 9-13!

Head to Toe. Back view of Woman Stretching Words Head to Toe.
Woman Excited. Eyes Closed Mouth Smiling at showing the joy of feeling better.

The Simple Self Care Lifestyle

THe simple self care lifestyle
