woman standing next to skeleton at bottom of image there are photos representing Motion, Emotion, Nutrition Topics for Self-Care

Self Care: Your Body

your body

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The Simple Self Care Lifestyle

1 GOAL, 1 FOCUS, 1 MICRO DECISION at a TIME = Results for Your Body!

Many of us set big goals for ourselves but find the reward takes too much time; we often then lose interest. Most often, we get overwhelmed by the plethora of advice out there, and we find ourselves trying to implement this and that. There is no clear vision or path.

This is where the power of micro-decisions comes in. The Post Category: Self Care Your Body has the FOCUS of achieving your 1 GOAL built in. Every post is FOCUSED on leveraging the way the body works and layering the Focused Actions that’ll add up to exponential results.

Explore the 1 Goal1 Focus1 Micro Decision Posts to learn about the amazing power Micro Decisions can deliver, and then when you are in the mood, grab one from a post that appeals to you!

THe simple self care lifestyle
